United Tribes Technical College is asking for your votes to help them win one of 100 Toyota Vans being given to groups who help communities grow and do other work for the good of the people. They have come through thousands of applicants and are now down to the final group.
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United Tribes Technical College
About us:
Created by American Indians for American Indians, UTTC offers accredited college degrees while keeping Indian culture and tradition at the heart of our curricula. We are training the teachers, nurses, scientists, police and the many other professionals needed to rebuild our Tribal Nations. UTTC programs are designed to meet Tribal development needs. Many of our students come from the most economically depressed places in the U.S. For some, it is their first time living off the reservation. They are welcomed into a close knit community with inclusive services helping them to succeed…and they are succeeding. One graduate at a time they are giving First Americans hope for a bighter future.
How we would use a new Toyota:
Through educating our people to meet the manpower and leadership needs of our communities we are building a road to economic development and cultural preservation for our Tribal Nations. In the Lakota Language Cankú Lúta means Red Road or Good Road of Life. We will use a new Toyota to help our students and their family members to travel the Red Road. As American Indians we believe it is our responsibility to pave the way for the next seven generations. Help to us take that road and make a brighter future for our children. Visit United Tribes Technical College at www.uttc.edu or come to our campus and become a part of our vision for tomorrow. Mitakuye Oyasin--We Are All Related.
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Supporting Pine Ridge Reservation--one donation at a time!