
Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More about HeartSent Books and Helping the Children of Pine Ridge

Hello Everyone!

Here we are again, chatting away.

I can never do one of these blogs without mentioning the Children of Pine Ridge Reservation and their need for everything from school books to clothing—and in some cases, fuel against the winter cold. Please open your hearts and your pocket books for these children. Just click on the link below for more information.

It's not just the children, by the way, who are in need. The entire population has needs beyond what most of us can imagine, living in our comfortable communities, with plentiful job and education opportunities.

I hope everyone has had a great year so far. In my neck of the woods it's been a very mild winter, which on one hand is a good thing—no ice storms or blizzards. On the other hand, it's scary when the central plains see tornado's in February! Wow! And we need that snow pack and the rain. Guess I'm just a little paranoid, but with parents who grew up during the depression years, I see a lack of moisture as a dangerous thing.

Based on that premise, I've started a new book, a fantasy/futuristic/time travel about what happens when the earth's resources begin to dry up. I know this has been done before, but I'm compelled to write it. It demanded my attention. The working title is Ten Summers. Everything, everywhere is dried out except the ocean—which is so thick with salt it's nearly impossible to process for drinking and cooking. I'm hoping this voyage outside the world of romance will be successful.

With a little help from my Si-Fi friends, I just might make it.

I have two new Regency books out, and they are selling very well. A third title, Adam and Sheila, has been added to the Series. It will prove to be a bit spicier than the first two books, but still not one that can be listed as erotica, for those of you who like a milder read. It will be sensual, however.

In the Lakota Moon Series, Moon of Hard Winter has joined Moon of the Falling Leaves and Moon of Ripening in the print book section. All books are available in Kindle & Nook format. :)


Happily, there is great progress in the 4th book, which may or may not be the final book of The Lakota Moon Series. Titled Moon of Tender Grass, it has changed and changed again as I write it, and hopefully, the premise has finally settled into what it should be. Talk about a book that doesn't know where it's going...well, finally, it does.

The hero is very complex, and driven by so many things, I had to pick and choose what to write about him.
Blue Crow has evolved into what I believe is the perfect hero, the slightly flawed male of the human species whose greatest strength is his character. More on this later,the cover has changed, but the characters are the same, even if the story has altered a bit. It will be available in June!

Visit my site to make purchase selections: or

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